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Celebrating Thales Day 2023

Thales of Miletus - the first known philosopher - predicted in advance a solar eclipse, which occurred on May 28th, 585 BC.

This represents two things: the birth of science, and the only exact date of Thales’ life we know. I believe it is only proper to raise a glass to human reason and to the best of the world we inhabit today, thanks to the achievements of the Ancient Greeks, which began with Thales.

On May 28th 2023, we celebrate the 2607th anniversary of the birth of human thought.

In honour of Thales’ brilliant olive press option trade, I propose olives and olive products as the official food of Thales Day.

May 24

Kant: Disintegration as a Philosophical System.

May 31

Objectivism: A Philosophy for Living on Earth.